Thursday, September 28, 2006
It was insomnia that cause me to begin my run at wee hours of the night. Never did I thought it would be one of best runs I ever did in my whole life. There was no one on the street. It was peaceful and serene. The cool air of the night that brushes through my skin makes the run even more enjoyable. It was just me and the road. Nobody else. In the wind, I felt my whole body working together to tackle the challenging road, blood circulating, heart pumping, sweat pouring out of every pores. I never felt more alive. It was in that period of time that I begin my love affair with running.
From there I started out as leisure runs on alternate days of the week, which total up to 4 times a week. I try to varied the running time and route for variety. After doing my weekly runs, I realized that doing just a single sport would not help me in strengthening different parts of the muscle groups, thus I infuse leisure swimming into my rest days.
As they say, "The rest is history". Till today my love affair with the road continues. Taking part in triathlon, marathon and cross terrain run have push my running to a different level. One day I hope I can participate in adventure racing to see where my limits are. I hope the day will come. In my experience, running alone cures many ailments. Not only does it beat stress, it also make your mind focus and clear. If that is not enough, it also makes your heart stronger and determine to finish what you are out to do (endurance).
This year06, I'm looking forward to the Standard Charted half Marathon run in December. I hope that not only can I put my best foot forward, I will clock my personal best time as well! See you there !!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Starting of an Enterprise
1. An undertaking esp if risky or difficult,
2. Boldness in trying new things,
3. A business concern enterprising.
Now I fully understand why the explorer ship in Star Trek was named "Entreprise".
Two business ideas in mind, which is weddings favors and a juice shop, but today will only touch on the first.
Weddings favors
From my observation of the local market, I ask myself a few question on the viability of the business. Firstly I look at current business cap in the market that provide this product for Malay weddings. A building that I survey near a frequent hang out place for the Malays made me realize that at least 10 - 15 shops are providing this favors and related services. So with this size, I concluded that demand is strong and so is competition.
Secondly, for the business to be successful, do I copy others by opening a shop? I think not because a retail outlet can only justify that you have credits but not necessary means that you have great products. I believe that the success of the business start off from the products it sells. From the shops that I observe many of them sell other things such as clothes and party wares. It shows that relying on just selling wedding favors is tough. But not impossible if the formula is correct. So opening a shop doesn't necessary translate success. If circumstances permit, maybe somewhere else then the building I survey, where there is no such shop nearby, the ideas and creativity of the favors could blossom independently and less readily copy by competitors. This idea might also not worked because couples who are out sourcing for favors might not want limited choice. A good concept employ by the landlord is the Sim Lim square. This huge IT building is a consolidation of every IT products and services in the market which could give consumer unlimited choices and more bang for their buck. If I can't find it in this shop, I just move to the next one. Simple.
Thirdly. Thus I believe the way to start it off is by word of mouth and through retailing catalogue. The concept very similar to Tupper Ware. Shop can only be decide later if the business environment paved positive and demands continues to increase.
Fourthly. By embarking into this business the profit lies in Wholesale buying and bulk selling. An example of an estimate calculation for a photoframe. Bulk buying of 2000 pieces for 50cents a piece which total up to $1k. A customer order 500 pieces of photoframe which I'm selling at $1 per piece gives me a profit of $250. Sales Target for a start is to sell at least 1 product per weekend to hit 1K per month after talking out cost. Tough business to maintain but good for side business. Thus, marketing awareness of our existence to our market is very important.
Fifth. To touch a bit more on point four, a website is a must! In this 21st century era of e-commerce, not knowing how to do business on the web means an illiterate business enterprise.
Sixth. So what do we do now ? Buy items that couples would want to give to their guests as gifts ! Start the designing process of the catalogue and print it!
Seven. Where do we go from here? Only God knows . . .
Psychological benefits of playing squash (Extract from Psychology Today 1996)
"It's great stress relief," says Ellie Pierce. And she should know: Pierce is currently the top-ranked female squash player in the United States.
What makes squash an ideal psychological vacation is that it's simply impossible to mull over the day's problems at the same time you're following the bouncing ball. "The game's so quick that there's no time to think about other things," notes Pierce.
And as an added challenge, you have to avoid colliding with your opponent as the two of you maneuver frantically around what is basically a 20-foot box. No wonder Pierce calls the sport "a combination of physical chess boxing, and ballet."
Given its reputation as a pastime of the elite - something to do between polo matches and yachting - it's ironic that squash was likely invented by the destitute denizens of a 19th century debtor's prison. But the sport is finally making inroads among average Americans, and the number of U.S. courts has increased fivefold in less than a decade.
In Europe. squash is even becoming something of a spectator sport. At the British Open, some 4,500 fans watched the championship match played in what was essentially a giant fishbowl: a court with four glass walls.
Pierce cites the following among squash's psychological rewards and advantages:
* Variety. With four walls to play off, the ball may never bounce the same way twice. That unpredictability keeps the game from growing stale. Says Pierce: "How many times can you do step aerobics, no matter how often they change the music?"
* Personal expression. Adjust your playing style to suit your mood or personality. Pierce: "If you want to make it boxing, you can be that physical. If you want to make it ballet, you can. It's up to your creative abilities."
* The ball always comes back. Hit a tennis ball off-kilter and it veers into the next court - or over the fence. The beauty of squash, says Pierce, is that no matter how hard you hit the ball, it comes to rest within a few feet of you.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
IPPT Reloaded
Friday, September 08, 2006
Take business as a dance, Let's dance !
"When you reach an obstacle, turn it into an opportunity. You have the choice. You can overcome and be a winner, or you can allow it to overcome you and be a loser. The choice is yours and yours alone. Refuse to throw in the towel. Go that extra mile that failures refuse to travel. It is far better to be exhausted from success than to be rested from failure." - Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics
"The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It's as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today. The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer." - Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari and Chuck E. Cheese's
Every new business venture is block by unlimited problems. It could be the lack of capital, viability of the product or service, suppliers' discounts, manufacturer defects, high operation cost, shortages of manpower and the list goes as long as the Amazon river. So what can an entrepreneur do to overcome this? And how can an entrepreneur kick start a profitable business successfully? Does success lies in the product? A new concept or a new services? Looking around us from supermarkets to malls, It could be anything under the sun. From selling a pen to providing a painting service. This enormousity and expulsion of goods & services makes it even harder to enterprise. With so much of factors to look into & risk to calculate, the odds to success is like the odds of winning a lottery. So why do it? Why go through the hassle of this physical and head-ache when following and working for others its a no brainier and a easier solution?
The way I see it, it's for a better quality of life for my family, loved ones and having the means to do what I'm passionate about with freedom. It is also a challenge for me to achieve & strive for something good in life. From there on, if the business is successful & profitable, it will begin its humanistic enterprise by giving back what it has reaped to the community and the needy.
The business challenge will keep me in "discomfort" metaphorically and urged me to continue innovating or face elimination in the globalize & competitive world. In this protective and comforting environment of my country, it is easy to be contended and a dogma follower. I don't wish that to happen to me. When I mean "discomfort" it does not mean physically, in another way of phrasing, it means - "Surviving the turbulence of the corporate world".
Therefore the five statements below will constitute to my plan.
1. No ideas is a bad idea.
2. Start small and expand later.
3. Always keep reality in check.
4. Keep an open mind.
5. Start doing it !
Business Idea humblebee.
a. Selling T-shirts
b. Giving free T-shirts
c. Importing merchandise from aboard
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Our 1st anniversary
Our first anniversary was a beautiful and weather perfect day. Instead of going through complexicity, we decided to celebrate our anniversary in simple and unforgettable ways. Because of our savings plan, I request not to exchange gifts on this special day, but somehow I knew she got something for me, and its hidden somewhere. My naughty gerl " )
Boy was I surprised ! It was a handmade card with our pictures and poems written & specially design by her. It is the best gift I ever received in my life. It touches my heart for the efforts she put into. Most of her time after work were spend with me. To make the card in time, she had to sacrifice her dreaming time in dreamland. The card means a lot to me, and reminds me of how special she is to me. My most dear person beside my parents.
We spend the day by watching 2 Imax movie in Singapore Science Centre (I hope she is not bored by the movie cum documentry)and followed by a romantic dinner on a cable car, theme Skydine.
The experience was amazing and unforgettable. Now Mount Faber holds a speical memory in my heart that I will not forget.
It has been a wonderful journey since we started. With hurdles inbetween, I'm glad we are able to overcome as each one passes through our daily life. Thank you for being here with me and for me. Lets look forward to a good year full of happiness and joy. Till our next anniversary, Happy Anniversary NG ; )
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Iter itineris penetralis Medius Humus - Equipment Checklist
Equipment Checklist
1. Millet backpack 90L to 100L, cost, availability unknown ?
2. Binoculars - make and availability? Budget below $100.
3. Sleeping Bags - make and availability? Budget around $100+
4. Wind and water proof Jackets - Either Gortex or Millet. The jacket must keep me warm at the same time. Still surveying for other brands. Budget $200+
5. Walking shoe - Have to be water proof. Maybe Grotex? Budget $100+
6. Zip lockbags - Good ones that can be really air tight and compressed. Around $20
7. Headlight - instead of using a torchlight, I saw travellers using headlights because it makes your pair of hands free. The headlights can also be use as a torchlight. Below $10
8. Music player - Ipod, Creative, Samsung, iriver or brandless, it doesn't matter. As long as it can hold about 20gigs of song for the journey and its hardy. Budget between $150 - $200
9. Disk storage for photos - make, cost and availability? Budget between $150 - $200
10. Tent - Have to be wind, water and dust proof. Have to be small to fit into my backpack and easy to setup with miniumiun hassle. make, cost and availability unknown ?
11. Digital SLR camera - Nikon or Canon. Budget below $2K
12. Camera bag (optional) - Could also be my daypack, but the real use will be storing of my carmera with a seperate compartment for my misc things. I'm still unsure. Not yet make up my mind.
13. Foldable hangers - I pair. Below $20
14. Language translator - Casio? Still looking at other makes. Must have LCD lighting, to enable reading in the dark. Budget around $150 -$200
15. Hiking Sticks - make and availability? Below $50
Friday, September 01, 2006
Olympic Squash a dream ?

To my wonderful surprise, the coach of the team was actually Zainal! What a coincidence. A respectable coach and an ex-national player very well known in the Squash scene locally and regionally. The beginning was very tough, as I have to learn basics like not hitting the ball with a badminton stroke, half bending (like a squat position) to hit the ball and the worse of all, running and positioning in the court. After 3 years of going through the squash school of hard knocks, I can say that now I play decent squash games. I still loved a spar with other players that I never encounter before. The only problem is that it is difficult to find sparing partners to play and train with these days. Most of my kakis now have either lost interest in the sport (as squash requires skills and physical maintenance) or too busy with their work. That was the case for my dad. When he left the police force, there was no one he could play with, because not everybody can play the game, and he had to work to provide for the family.
By the time I catch up in time and could play decent games, his age was catching up too and had problems running in the court when I play with him. We have to stop because squash is a vigorous sports, and could easily cause cardiac problems in older people. Every now and then, we still play but less vigorously. We will stroke the ball around the court and fine tune our skills. In retrospect, he took up another exercise for compensation - walking. Everyday without fail, rain or shine, he will walk through the nature trail in MacRitchie Reservoir after work. A true fitness buff by heart. I salute him.

During my final year in Poly, I was very fortunate to represent SP to play in the IVP. It was exhilarating and challenging. Till today, my hand will still itch, whenever I pass through the courts in Kallang, eager and ready for a challenger. I could still see Zainal there, teaching, training and mentoring the next generation of squash players. I sincerely hope that all this effort of grooming the sports and talents will not be wasted (Malaysia have successfully groom many players, over taking Singapore and a force to reckon with in the region). In the next few years to the Beijing Olympic and after, I'm crossing my fingers hard that squash would once again rise up in the sporting arena and relive its glorious days.