He has a miserable life. Cripple, slavery and banishment from his own country. You named it, all the bad luck and mishap fall onto him. He refused to let all this circumstances crushed him, so he developed this thinking- "We must learn to bow to the inevitable and cultivate indifference to circumstances outside our control" What he meant was that we cannot always control our circumstances, but we can control how we react to those circumstances.
Instead of being bitter, self-pityness and miserable, he embraced inevitable and channel his energies more productively to find happiness and contentment in life that he loved. Why angry when the money changer is slow? Why angry when the flight is delay? Why cursed when you're struck in a traffic jam? Why fret when the meeting is delay? By worrying, fretting and angry can we achieve anything?
To a certain extend, even I fret and cursed sometimes. But since my travel trip, I let go of things that are pointless in arguing or fighting - the inevitability's of life. I'm more calm now, found peace, joy and happiness in things around me. The smell of the morning when I wake up, the food that I'm able to taste, flowers that I can see by the side of the road, a roof over my head, and a love that is dear to me. I never felt better, and thankful that I have all this.
After all what cannot be cured must be endured. Endure we must.
God, grant me the serenity
to accept things
I cannot change;
Courage to change
the things I can; and wisdom
to know the difference
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